Services & Treatments

In Owensboro, KY & Surrounding Areas


Chiropractic care can offer the missing pieces to achieve your body’s wellness potential.

Chiropractic care is effective for a wide variety of conditions – not just back pain. From infants who are just days old to older adults, children, athletes, men, and women, chiropractic care is appropriate for almost anyone. It offers a drug-free alternative to pain management, improved mobility, and enhanced function for conditions ranging from asthma to PMS and headaches to carpal tunnel. Chiropractic care is also very important for injury recovery and rehabilitation, following auto accidents, falls, and other personal injuries.

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Chiropractic Care

We provide chiropractic adjustments utilizing many chiropractic techniques to give patients the most effective chiropractic care to help them with spinal conditions. Never in the history of chiropractic care have chiropractors been able to provide the level of help and expertise that is available today. Our techniques are especially safe, gentle, and productive.

As chiropractors who cares about utilizing the most effective chiropractic techniques, our doctors have years of training, expertise, and experience in helping patients get pain relief for back pain, neck pain, headaches, and other related conditions originating from the spine. Chiropractic care under a trained professional can even be used to prevent injuries and help you achieve total health or wellness.


Physiotherapy is a practice that treats illnesses and injuries that inhibit a patient’s ability to move and perform daily tasks. Physiotherapy uses a variety of techniques to treat physiological conditions, such as tendinitis, arthritis, and cartilage damage. Techniques within physiotherapy include electrotherapy, ultrasound treatment, Kinesio taping, and more. After a thorough examination, Our doctors will use these specified treatments to care for physiological conditions. The goal of physiotherapy is to help each patient move more freely and become pain-free.


Acupuncture is a technique in which extremely thin needles are strategically placed in a patient’s skin to stimulate specific parts of the body. Acupuncture originates from ancient China, where specialists have spent centuries studying and perfecting how the body is connected, how energy flows throughout the body, and how acupuncture can be used to manipulate the body’s balance.

The main purpose of acupuncture is to relieve pain. This technique attempts to balance the nervous system, helping it reach a higher level of efficiency. This leads to a higher functioning body, which means less pain and faster recovery. Our doctors are highly skilled in this area and has benefited the lives of many of his patients using the acupuncture technique.

At Sovar Chiropractic, we take great pride in providing the finest chiropractic care to each and every patient.

Dry Needling

Similar to acupuncture, dry needling involves the shallow insertion of very thin needles into the skin. The goal of dry needling is to treat musculoskeletal and neuromuscular conditions, helping to relieve pain, reduce muscle tension, and normalize dysfunctional areas.

A specific technique within dry needling is sending electrical currents through the needle and directly to a muscle. This helps to stimulate the muscle to relieve pain and increase blood flow, which leads to a greater overall muscular function. Our doctors use this practice to treat patients with a variety of muscular conditions to help them feel pain-free and recover faster.

Corrective Exercises

At Sovar Chiropractic, we teach our patients how to perform special “blueprint” exercises which can help strengthen and correct the irregularities in their body which may be causing pain. Many of these corrective exercises can actually be performed in the comfort of your own home to help improve the effectiveness of your chiropractic care and spinal correction plan.

In addition to skeletal misalignment, you may be experiencing pain that is caused by muscles and connective tissues which are out of their proper place. Other types of pain such as back pain, neck pain, and headaches are caused by muscles and tissues that are being used improperly, causing injuries over time. In each case, targeted corrective exercises and stretches from our experienced chiropractor will help you feel good while also helping your body achieve balance and health.

Lifestyle Advice

Many of our patients come to see our chiropractor to address a specific pain symptom such as back pain, neck pain or headaches. While our chiropractor will address each patient’s specific condition with chiropractic care, we often find it helpful to advise our patients towards achieving a healthier lifestyle.

For example, there may be certain activities that you should avoid or do differently to prevent yourself from unintentionally aggravating your particular health challenges. The goal of including lifestyle advice with a chiropractic care plan is to help each and every patient achieve the fulfilling and happy lifestyle they deserve, one that is full of the activities that are enjoyed most. We recognize that every single one of our patients is a whole person, and we use our expertise to help them reach total health and wellness.

Nutritional Counseling

What does nutrition have to do with chiropractic care? The goal of chiropractic care is to help patients achieve total health and balance with their bodies, and as part of that goal, we provide specific recommendations on nutritional supplements and healthy food choices.

Nutritional counseling by our experienced chiropractic health professionals can assist a patient on their return to optimal health. Do you know which supplements and vitamins are good for you? Do you know how these supplements and vitamins interact with one another? At Sovar Chiropractic we can provide each patient with a structured nutritional program that is based on their individual needs.




Monday 8:30am - 12:30pm  2pm - 5pm

Tuesday 8:30am - 12:30pm  2pm - 5pm

Wednesday 8:30am - 12:30pm  2pm - 5pm

Thursday 8:30am - 12:30pm  2pm - 5pm


Saturday CLOSED


Monday 8:30am - 12pm  2pm - 5:30pm

Tuesday CLOSED

Wednesday 8:30am - 12pm  2pm - 5:30pm

Thursday CLOSED

Friday 8:30am - 12pm  2pm - 4:00pm

Saturday CLOSED



2816 Veach Rd. #103

Owensboro, KY 42303


826 N. State Rd. 161, Ste D

Rockport, IN 47635



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